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  • Writer's pictureDan Versalov

The 2.0 Collective Story

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

//circa stories - where it all started

2018 Summer Cohort
Just some super talented individuals from the 2018 Summer Cohort - no biggie

It all started decades ago with an astronomical phenomenon. All of the Solar System's planets aligned in a perfect straight line, creating a pressure in the earth's crust that would eventually mold an amazing idea. Helping young professionals get genuine experiences in the real world...

Actually it all began like a couple years ago with an Instagram DM.

The famous Instagram DM

Internships are a great experience if you're looking to get a foothold in your future career. But, a lot of the time, you aren't getting real world experiences that could potentially benefit you for post-college. Getting coffee for a top exec may not be your idea of an enriching experience. More and more companies are looking for individuals with experience, but a lot of us don't have it after spending 1-4 years in school.

After countless hours of working towards the right approach, name brainstorming, brand designing, and tear shedding, we developed a solution to the problem.


This was the idea: The 2.0 Collective is a project-by-project-based company that connects young professionals, our Co's,  to companies looking for redefinition to provide à la carte business development and micro-consulting. Our approach is fostering an eruption for disruption. The combination of the drive of our Co's and the experience of our Advisors redefine the meaning of the new and the old. We come together to create innovative, challenging products and strategies to allow new entrance into a market for our clients.

Essentially, we work to give our Cos real world projects and opportunities that are tailored to what they're passionate about or what they're studying.

This summer, we had the opportunity to flex our first cohort of young professionals. It allowed us to see if we could make this idea into a reality. Our Cos got the chance to work on projects that made a real impact while receiving guidance from advisors and industry professionals. We made some amazing memories working together, developing friendships, and watching our Cos take what they've learned to apply it elsewhere.

Now, here we are. We're ready to grow and continue tweaking our approach to give the best experience to our Cos. Onward to what the future holds!

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